Tuesday, 1 March 2016



Larfleeze was a thief that stole a mysterious box supposedly worth an entire star system to the right buyer, but first they had to hide of the Guardians of the Universe. Later, he and his thieves team discovered a map. This map led them to Okaara where was a temple which had a orange power battery, the orange light of the avarice. When the thieves watched the light they start to fight. At the end there was only one survivor, Larfleeze. The Guardians had a deal to Larfleeze: 
If he gave to them the box, they would let him keep the orange ring and all his galaxy, and he accept.

 -With his ring he can make constructs of orange solid light (examples: fire, knifes, spiked balls, energy fields and almost anything.)
-With his ring he can shoot orange energy.
-He can fly and go faster than the light.
-He can make portals throught the space time.
-One of the orange ring characteristics is that he can make like a type of warriors orange light unlimitedly.

-He need reload his ring with the lantern and say an oath: "What's mine, Is mine and mine, And mine, And mine, And mine, And mine!--Not yours!"
 -Greed don't let him think.
-He is very eager.
-He doesn't trust anyone.

 WATCH IT!!!!!